Student Encampments
Chicago for Abortion Rights stands in unequivocal solidarity with the students, faculty, and community members at universities and colleges around the Chicagoland area and across the United States who have staked out encampments and autonomous zones. These students are showing us the way to liberation, reclaiming their campuses for the people in the name of Palestinian liberation, and an end to this genocide. We add our voice to their demands that administrations “divest, disclose, and repair.” We join them as they demand that the United States and its academic institutions cease to be financial backers of Israel’s scholasticide and mass murder of Palestinians.
Since October, the world has watched in horror as Israeli forces — funded and armed with U.S. tax dollars and weapons — decimate families, bomb hospitals, and kill infants, children, and parents. Make no mistake, reproductive justice includes Palestinian liberation. Every single pregnancy that has been disrupted, child who has been murdered, pregnant person made to starve and robbed of access to any medical care, let alone prenatal or birth care, is a direct assault on reproductive freedom. While our U.S. government endangers its own residents through abortion bans and the erosion of our bodily autonomy, it endorses and funds the murder, matricide, and infanticide being perpetrated against Palestinians.
That many campus authorities have not hesitated to call in violent police forces to brutalize protestors, threatening them with violence, arrest and expulsion, proves the urgency of their protest. Their brave actions follow in the footsteps of anti-war student demonstrators in 1968, who showed the world what people power looks like in protests that spread across the world. Just last night, we witnessed horrific violence carried out by the NYPD against protestors on Columbia and CCNY’s campuses. Students were brutalized in a hall reclaimed and renamed for Hind Rajab, a six-year-old girl who spent her final hours begging for help, surrounded by her dead family.
We assert that state violence anywhere is an arm of imperialism that must be stopped. In the last 7 months, the Israeli Defense Forces have killed a reported 35,000 Palestinian people, and tens of thousands more remain missing or imprisoned. These same forces are known to train numerous US police departments, whose officers are violently suppressing the First Amendment rights of students across the country. The thread of humanity that connects our struggle to that of families in Gaza is undeniable. We know that without intersectionality, we are nothing. In Gaza, countless universities have been leveled by bombs paid for by the U.S., their students and teachers murdered or forced to flee. We join the chorus of brave student voices across the country saying “not in our name,” and we add our voices to their unwavering demands and commitment to justice.
The students establishing campus encampments and liberated zones are shining a light by which the rest of us can see the path ahead, one that leads to liberation and an end to settler-colonial occupation from Gaza to the United States. We may never truly know the devastation this genocide has wrought on families from Gaza to the West Bank, and their relatives here in the United States who have lost parents, siblings, and kin. But in the liberated zones at UChicago, DePaul, Columbia, UCSC, University of Texas, Emory, and dozens more, students show us that we keep us safe. To the student organizers, journalists, and protestors, we thank you and we are with you.
All power to the people. Free Palestine.
Until liberation,
Chicago for Abortion Rights
Statement released: May 1, 2024
Palestinian Liberation
Chicago for Abortion Rights stands in solidarity with the struggle for Palestinian liberation. We join countless others around the world in demanding an immediate ceasefire, restoration of electricity, water, and communication services, an end to United States financial support of Israeli aggression and apartheid, an end of settler-colonial occupation, and a free Palestine.
From Chicago to Gaza, we deserve the right “to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities.” The occupation of Palestine directly causes and exacerbates miscarriages, unsafe deliveries, little to no access to infant and family planning clinics, and family separation. With the current, continuous bombardment of Gaza, reproductive injustices are mounting every hour and there must be an immediate ceasefire with no restrictions on humanitarian aid.
In Chicago, SJP Chicago and USPCN are leading the on the ground response to this atrocity, organizing 25,000 people in downtown Chicago on October 14th. We encourage our members, and other reproductive justice activists, to attend local pro-Palestinian actions and follow guidance provided by the Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine. It is important to make clear that the actions of our government - the same government that has allowed deep assaults on abortion rights and access, hitting hardest the uninsured, poor, and people of color, especially across the American South - does not represent the majority.
We want to acknowledge and thank the leaders in the reproductive justice movement who did not hesitate to quickly and publicly voice their support for the struggle for Palestinian liberation and against the genocide of Palestinian people being carried out by the government of Israel. Abortion Fund of Ohio, Arc Southeast, Buckle Bunnies Fund, NYC for Abortion Rights, Repro Workers, Riotous Roots and Transfuturists (Birthworkers for a Free Palestine), and WeTestify - thank you for your leadership, strength, and continued insistence that other reproductive organizations also stand up in this moment.
It is not too late to join millions of others around the world in saying, “Free Palestine.”
“The fact that we are here and that I speak these words is an attempt to break that silence and bridge some of those differences between us, for it is not difference which immobilizes us, but silence. And there are so many silences to be broken.”
– Audre Lorde, “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action”
Statement released: October 31, 2023