When abortion rights are under attack, what do we do?

Stand up, fight back!

Together, we can stop the attacks on our rights.

As recent victories for abortion rights have shown, even in difficult circumstances, we can defeat attacks on our reproductive and other civil rights—if we mobilize on our side.

At Chicago For Abortion Rights (CFAR), we demand the preservation of existing reproductive rights and the expansion of full reproductive justice for all individuals. We demand:

  • The right to have complete autonomy over our own bodies

  • The right to have or not have children

  • The right to birth and parent our children in safe and healthy environments

This includes:

  • Access to safe, legal abortion care

  • Access to affordable, comprehensive reproductive healthcare

  • Access to affordable childcare and education

  • Respect of all gender identities

Resist and defy with us: Be part of our fight for safe and legal abortion and reproductive justice for all!